Ireland’s love with tea… an overview of Irish Teas

Hello Reader,

I have been meaning to write about Irish tea to which I have taken a liking to over the years..

An interesting fact is that Irish people are the largest tea consumers in the World!
On a per head basis the most tea is drunk in the Irish Republic where annual consumption is 2.79 kgs/head. The UK drink a bit less at 2.12 kgs/head. ( quote taken from the Tetley website)

You either drink your tea black or white ( with or without sugar), and if you drink it white, it’s best to put the milk in first , then the sugar, and then add the tea! When you are working you would  get Tea breaks, and that’s a time to relax, catch up on gossip and have tea or coffee. It’s very much part of Irish life.
I remember that shortly after my boys were born, I was offered Tea and Toast on a tray in the hospital .
Often when visiting people the first question will be ” what about a cup of  tea”?
You might enjoy below clip!

There is , Barry’s Tea ( Cork) and Lyons Tea ( Dublin) and Bewleys Tea ( Dublin), there are also two Northern Irish Tea brands, namely Punjana and Nambarrie. There is also a company in Galway who specialises in wholeleaf Organic Teas.
There are many many other brands available in Ireland, such as:
Tetleys, PG Tips, Lipton, Typhoo, Pickwick  or Twinings but none of them are Irish brands.
Amazon has a good selection of them, see below links to purchase!

Barrys Irish Breakfast Tea 80 Tea BagsLyons Original Irish Tea 80 Tea BagsBarrys Tea Gold Blend Tea bags - 80 CountNambarrie Tea (80 Tea Bags)

Punjana Tea Bags - 80 PackPunjana Irish Breakfast 80 teabags (8.82oz) x 1 packLyons Original Blend Black Tea Box 80 count Tea BagsLyons Gold Label Tea 80 tea bags
Bewley's Irish Breakfast Tea (80 Tea Bags)Bewley's Green Blend Tea Bags 80's

I am getting thirsty now, so where is my cup of tea!


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