Hello world,
Who shot JR Ewing?? I will come to that in a minute. To keep myself sane, and with the fabulous weather ( aren’t we just so lucky), I , like everybody else in the country, decided it was high time to give some much-needed love to picket fence. I had started the project two weeks ago, but had to stop, as the pain that I had was not the same colour.
Luckily the paint shops have re-opened, so more paint was bought with a local paint supplier to continue the mission.The idea was also that the nocturnals teens might join in, so they could earn some pocket money.
Now you might ask yourself, what is the link between the picket fence and the phrase “ who shot JR Ewing? Who the hell is JR Ewing? Read on to find out:)

Some of you ( of a certain vintage) will remember the series set in the 80’s called “Dallas”. Dallas was this American prime time television soap opera that was on TV around the world from April 2, 1978, to May 3, 1991( amazing it ran for 13 years!) The series revolved around a wealthy and feuding Texas family, the Ewings, who own the independent oil company Ewing Oil and the cattle-ranching land of Southfork.
My stereotype of Texans was set, they all lived on a huge estate, drank scotch and wore a Stetson( cowboy) hat. I was in Texas many years after and I could not understand why they were not all wearing a Stetson (cowboy) hat! JR Ewing ( also just knows as JR) was the baddy, and eventually, he was killed. As soaps go, we were kept guessing who killed him and eventually we found out…
When we bought our house 16 years ago, and seeing the long fence on both sides of the house, reminded me a little of the opening scene in Dallas where you saw this (much longer) range fence.
Now that the fence has been painted ( partially also thanks to the nocturnal teens), I made a little video, adding the tune of the Soap’s tune.
Sending you sunny greetings from Galway…. And eh.. #stayhome #washyourhands #keepyourdistance
PS Do you remember who shot JR? Click here to refresh your memory !
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