Fiona and her Sun Cycling Odyssey

Meet Fiona on The Sun Cycling Odyssey through Ireland and beyond

I came across The Sun Cycling Odyssey in one of my Cycling WhatsApp Groups!  I’d seen she started cycling from the South of France via the UK to Ireland, on a solar-powered Bike. Really? Can you power a battery via Solar Power? Yes you can!!  

Cycling the EuroVelo Route 1

The Eurovelo Route1  passes within 10 km of my house, and I thought it may suit her to say over either in her tent or in the houseIf you ‘d like to host Fiona, contact her here!

Video EuroVelo Route 1 

Click here for local Cycle Routes, check out my new Gort Cycle Trails Website, join the FaceBook Group or sign up to my Newsletter here.

The Sun Cycling Odyssey Gear 

Here is a picture of her bike, including a trailer with the solar panel.  All together the bike and the solar panel weigh 75 kgs! The day Fiona arrived, she’d cycled from Ennistymon, and because it had been sunny, the battery only had discharged by 10% ! 

The Sun Cycling Odyssey Bike and Trailer

The Sun Cycling Odyssey Bike and Trailer

Close up of the Solar Panels

Close up of the Solar Panels

Solar Panels at the back of her bike

Solar Panels at the back of her bike

It’s a Cube Bike, and a Solar Panel by Sun Travel , actually, it’s a mechanical bike transformed into an electric bike thanks to a conversion kit by Bafang crankset motor .. more details here.

Sun Charge Time : 5 hours   Electricity Charge time : 6 hours 

She has a helmet-mounted Go Pro, a Smartphone, a Live Tracking System so her family,friends and fans know where she’s, a tent, rain gear, a very sparse amount of clothes and lots of courage, stamina and determination! 

Fiona with Helmet Mounted Go Pro

Fiona with Helmet Mounted Go Pro

As we had a visitor the first night, Fiona camped in our garden. 

I showed her the way to either resume her journey at the back of Ardrahan on the Eurovelo Route 1 to Ballinderreen ( one of my favourite places to go cycling) or to take the main road. 

Eurovelo1 Route Sign Ballinderreen

EuroVelo1 Route Sign in Ballinderreen Co. Galway

The main road would be a  “shortcut” by about 7 km, however the section from the bridge over the Motorway at Kiltiernan to Kilcolgan is very narrow and doesn’t have a hard shoulder. I would class it as dangerous to cycle there( we really need a proper cycle lane there!!)

Lunch in Gort and Visit to The Gort River Walk 

We then had lovely lunch at Roosters in Gort! 

Fiona at Roosters in Gort

Enjoying lunch at Roasters in Gort

Whilst we were having lunch, she gave a phone interview with a French Radio Station – life in the Fastlane! 

Fiona holding a phone giving an interview

Fiona holding a phone giving an interview

We then walked to the Children’s Graveyard and to the top of the Gort River Walk to show where the new bridge will be installed in the next few weeks.

Iron bridge at the top of the Gort River Walk

Old rusty bridge at the Gort River Bridge, soon to be replaced!

It was an absolute pleasure hosting Fiona! She is studying renewables, and as her fellow students are doing internships, Fiona decided to explore Europe by her Sun Cycling Odyssey ! She wants to connect with local initiativesgive workshops to people that are engaged with the environment and social justice.It was another initiative around solar travel that inspired her to do her very own Sun Cycling Odyssey.

Where to follow The Sun Cycling Odyssey

You can check out the website of the Sun Cycling Odyssey , in French and in English. The Sun Cycling Odyssey will take her to Sligo, Donegal, Leitrim, Belfast, Scotland, Belgium, France, Switzerland! Are interested to host her ( think warm showers, couch, bed, good company, food ) please contact her here! She’ll be cycling close to 9 000 kms by the end of June! Go Fiona Go!

Follow Fiona on The  Suncyclingodyssey on Facebook , Instagram ,live, on Komoot or visit her website!

Check out this short video I compiled as she left our house, heading for Galway city

Unbeknownst to Fiona,  my Galway Cycling Campaign friends were planning a little welcome for her, and I was sent these pictures upon her arrival in Galway.

Welcome Sign in French

Welcome Sign in French, Bievenue!

Fiona at Spanish Arch in Galway City

Fiona at Spanish Arch in Galway City

She inspired a 6 year old :  “that’s what I want to do when I grow up” 😃😃😃

We wish Fiona safe and happy travels and will follow her on her Sun Cycling Odyssey ! 

The Bells and the Sun Cycling Odyssey

The Bells and the Sun Cycling Odyssey ( Alexander Missing)

#SynCyclingOdyssey #Eurovelo1 #DiscoverIrelandByBike #AndSheCycles

Share and Enjoy !

Posted in Burren Lowlands, Co. Clare, General, Gort and tagged , , , .

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